Should you ever encounter a problem with your site and be incapable of handling it, ask the respective hosting provider’s client service staff to assist you to get the website back online. A swift resolution would be the best scenario, but a lot of hosting companies answer within twenty four hours and even more, especially if you are dealing with a hosting reseller. Even if your problem can be fixed with ease, your website may not work correctly or it may not be accessible whatsoever for a longer time interval, so you may lose potential clients because it is quite unlikely that anybody will be willing to come back to a website that is out of order. In this light, you should make sure not only that you can get in touch with your hosting company, but also that they can reply and assist you in a well-timed fashion. If a software application update does not go smoothly or you erase something by mistake, for instance, the website should be restored swiftly so as to prevent lengthened unavailability.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Website Hosting
Our guaranteed max reply time for any client support ticket that you post or any email that you send is just sixty minutes, even in case you contact us on weekends and legal holidays. Whatever the nature of your problem or question might be, we’ll lend a hand right away and will supply you with the required information to solve any problem with your websites. The actual reaction time commonly does not exceed fifteen to twenty minutes, which suggests that you can just forget about waiting for hours and hours to get a problem sorted out or even worse than that – waiting around one whole day only to obtain a response that more info is needed while nothing’s solved. We’ll offer you assistance without any delay as we realize precisely how precious time can be in the dynamic digital era. The one-hour reply time guarantee applies to any technical or billing enquiry that you may have related to our Linux website hosting packages.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you can take full advantage of our astonishingly fast support services. You will obtain an answer to any support ticket submitted from the web hosting Control Panel or e-mail sent to our technical and client support staff in less than one hour. The response time is guaranteed and it applies irrespective of the matter – billing or technical. Often, it takes considerably less time to investigate and resolve a problem. We will supply you with more info in case the solution involves something that should be done on your end. In case you touch base with us during weekends or public holidays, the response time will be the same and due to the fact that our support staff is on duty 24-7-365, you’ll obtain instant assistance for practically any general, billing or technical issue irrespective of what time it is.